Advanced and Parallel Python
Compiling Python Code
While it might seem unintuitive to talk about compiling an interpreted language, it is often an easy and overlooked solution to speeding up Python programs. The advantage of being an interpreted language is that most Python compilers do Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, not unlike what PyPy is doing.
We’ll first have a look at the Cython (not to be confused with CPython). It has both pre-compilation and just-in-time compilation modes. We will use the former for now as it will help us understand what it’s doing and make better use of it.
It is important to note that Cython scripts use extensions to the language and as such, scripts must not end with the .py extension. The recommended extension is .pyx. Let’s make a copy of our initial script:
$ cp approx_pi_cython.pyx
The relevant part of our file should look like this:
$ cat approx_pi_cython.pyx
def approx_pi(intervals):
pi = 0.0
for i in range(intervals):
pi += (4 - 8 * (i % 2)) / (float)(2 * i + 1)
return pi
To define compilation steps, we must create a compilation script, written in Python. A simple one, found in the file, would look like this:
from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize
setup(ext_modules = cythonize("*.pyx"))
And to proceed with the compilation:
$ python build_ext --inplace
After some compilation steps involving your C compiler (GCC, clang, icc, …), you will get, on Unix platforms, a shared library named This is very different than what we did with PyPy in that this is not immediately executable: it’s only a library exposing functions so our main timing code cannot be executed. To use our newly compiled function, we need to import it in a script or in a Python interpreter:
$ ipython
In [1]: from approx_pi_cython import approx_pi
In [2]: %timeit approx_pi(100000000)
1 loops, best of 3: 20.4 s per loop
As you can see, we are not even twice as fast as our original Python code under CPython. To see why, we have to look at the generated C code in approx_pi_cython.c:
PyObject *__pyx_v_pi = NULL;
/* "approx_pi_cython.pyx":6
* def approx_pi(intervals):
* pi = 0.0 # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* for i in range(intervals):
* pi += (4 - 8 * (i % 2)) / (float)(2 * i + 1)
__pyx_v_pi = __pyx_float_0_0;
This is only a snippet of the entire code but it’s enough to understand what’s going on. First, you’ll notice you have a C comment with an arrow pointing to the line the next code refers to. This is helpful to know how a line or chunk of code has been translated to C. Second, we notice that our pi variable is not a double native type, as we would expect, but a Python object. That means every interaction with that variable cannot be native C code and must go back inside the Python VM, as seen in this snippet:
__pyx_t_5 = PyNumber_Multiply(__pyx_int_8, __pyx_t_2); ...
So even for basic arithmetic operations like multiplications, Python is involved. Going back and forth between C/Python that way explains why we don’t get really better performance. But there is a way to help the Cython compiler and give it hint about data types. This is where we begin using language extensions, as in the approx_pi_cython2.pyx file:
def approx_pi(int intervals):
cdef double pi
cdef int i
pi = 0.0
for i in range(intervals):
pi += (4 - 8 * (i % 2)) / (float)(2 * i + 1)
return pi
All we did was add types to the input parameter (int), as well the two local variable pi and i (cdef double). Let’s compile and run it to compare:
$ python build_ext --inplace
$ ipython
In [1]: from approx_pi_cython import approx_pi
In [2]: %timeit approx_pi(100000000)
1 loop, best of 3: 711 ms per loop
We are now on par with the PyPy interpreter. One could argue that using PyPy is easier than compiling with Cython and they would have a point: PyPy doesn’t require a C compiler nor a setup script to work. However, Cython will integrate with other C extensions. Let’s try to do better with Cython by looking again at the generated C code:
double __pyx_v_pi;
int __pyx_v_i;
__pyx_v_pi = 0.0;
/* "approx_pi_cython2.pyx":6
* pi = 0.0
* for i in range(intervals):
* pi += (4 - 8 * (i % 2)) / (float)(2 * i + 1) # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* return pi
__pyx_t_3 = (4 - (8 * __Pyx_mod_long(__pyx_v_i, 2)));
Everything looks almost right. Our variables are now native types (double and int). The only thing left is this call to __Pyx_mod_long instead of the (way faster) C modulo operator (%). This is done mainly because of different behavior when using negative numbers. In C, -1%10 == -1 and in Python, -1%10 == 9. Since we know we won’t have any negative numbers going from 0 to intervals-1, we can safely tell the Cython compiler to use the native modulo operator:
def approx_pi(int intervals):
cdef double pi
cdef int i
pi = 0.0
for i in range(intervals):
pi += (4 - 8 * (i % 2)) / (float)(2 * i + 1)
return pi
Note that the #cython compiler directive must be at the very beginning of your pyx file. To access the list of valid compiler directives, head over to the Cython documentation page.
And we compile yet again our Cython code:
$ python build_ext --inplace
$ ipython
In [1]: from approx_pi_cython import approx_pi
In [2]: %timeit approx_pi(100000000)
1 loop, best of 3: 414 ms per loop
We are now as fast as our first C code. I will let you have a look for yourself at the generated C code to confirm that the C modulo operator was indeed used.
A last note about Cython: we have learned how to compile our libraries but Cython also supports JIT compilation just by importing and running a statement before using our function:
$ make clean && ipython
In [1]: import pyximport; pyximport.install()
In [2]: from approx_pi_cython import approx_pi
In [3]: %timeit approx_pi(100000000)
1 loop, best of 3: 407 ms per loop
Data Processing
Try optimizing the exercices/ script using the Cython compiler. What speedup can you achieve?
Tip: Before running the script, make a copy, generate a random sample and work on the pyx file:
cd exercices/ && python && cp process_data.pyx
A possible solution can be found in the solutions/ file.
Another option for JIT compiling is the Numba project. The Numba compiler is provided by Continuum Analytics, which also distribute the Anaconda Python distribution. In its simpler form, you only need to add the @jit annotation to the code you want to speed up:
from numba import jit
def approx_pi(intervals):
pi = 0.0
for i in range(intervals):
pi += (4 - 8 * (i % 2)) / (float)(2 * i + 1)
return pi
This would result in the following execution:
$ python 100000000
PI is approximately 3.1415926435893260, Error is 0.0000000100004671
Time = 0.9381080000000001 sec
Also, keep in mind that, altough it might be worth a try, applying the Numba @jit annotation doesn’t provide much more gain when your code already uses Numpy:
def approx_pi(intervals):
pi1 = 4/numpy.arange(1, intervals, 4)
pi2 = -4/numpy.arange(3, intervals, 4)
return numpy.sum(pi1) + numpy.sum(pi2)
$ python 100000000
PI is approximately 3.1415926335840005, Error is 0.0000000200057926
Time = 0.7805560000000000 sec